Cashier system is a cash register and consumer management software.
The configuration of the secure connection "" is done once and for all. If there are changes to the owner of the CA-system-caisse register, everything must be redone.
1st time you are going to connect to the secure site, follow steps 1, 2, 3.
If you have already configured the secure site, the procedure is no longer the same;
(You must delete all the certificates (Servers / Authorities) for Firefox, and for Chrome (Authorities)); then follow steps 1, 2, 3.
1) Accept the connection https://
2) Download the ca-system-caisse.crt certificate
3) Import the ca-system-caisse.crt certificate into your Browser/navigator (Firefox/Chrome/etc ...)
That's all.
Messages, menu access and buttons on my Browser/Navigator are in English !
For the 1st connection https:// followed steps 1, 2, 3.
connection to the site in secure connection https://
Enter in the URL:
Click on the link ...
From the connection to the site you must accept the browser conditions (navigator : Firefox or Chrome).
Accept 1) Advanced ...
2) Accepte the Risk and Continue
Here is the connection in https is made. It remains to import the certificate "ca-system-caisse.crt".
For the moment the https padlock has a warning, if you click on the padlock you get a "connection not secure" message
From the connection to the site you must accept the browser conditions (navigator : Firefox or Chrome).
Accept 1) Advanced ...
2) Proceed to (unsafe)
Here is the connection in https is made. It remains to import the certificate "ca-system-caisse.crt".
For the moment the https has a warning, Not secure and https is crossed out.
Download the file "ca-system-caisse.crt" by clicking on the link.
Link ... ca-system-caisse.crt
You should see the "ca-system-caisse.crt" file on your hard drive, perhaps in the Downloads directory.
Now all that remains is to import the "ca-system-caisse.crt" certificate into your browser (navigator : Firefox or Chrome).
To do this, launch the browser/navigator click in the menu "Preferences" or "Options" or "Sittings",
and go to the "Privacy & security" menu then click "Certificates" then click "View Certificates".
A "Certificate Manager" window appears.
Click on "Authorities" then click the "Import" button
Go to the Downloads directory where you saved the "ca-system-caisse.crt" file.
Then click the "Open" button.
A "Downloading Certificate" window appears
Check the white buttons or white squares: all
... identity websites ... etc ...
Then click the "OK" button.
You return to the "Certificate Manager" window.
Click the "OK" button.
You return to the "Privacy & Security" menu.
Close the "Preferences" or "Options" or "Sittings" tab, click on the "closed" cross.
Here it is finished you close your browser/navigator.
And you revive it.
Then enter in the URL:
The padlock no longer has a warning.
If you click on the padlock a message appears: "Connection secure".
To do this, launch the browser click in the menu "Preferences" or "Options" or "Sittings",
and go to the "Privacy & security" menu then in "Privacy and security" then click "More" or "Security" then click "Manage certificates".
A "Manage certificates" window appears.
Click on "Authorities" then click the "Import" button
Go to the Downloads directory where you saved the "ca-system-caisse.crt" file.
Then click the "Open" button.
A "Certificate authority" window appears
Check the buttons where white squares: all
... identity websites ... etc ...
Then click the "OK" button.
You return to the "Privacy & Security" menu.
Close the "Preferences" or "Options" or "Sittings" tab, click on the "closed" cross.
Here it is finished you close your browser/navigator.
And you revive it.
Then enter in the URL:
The padlock no longer has a warning.
If you click on the padlock a message appears: "Connection is secure".
Checkout System
Checkout system for coffee, pub, brewery establishments.
You have two checkout versions, version 1 uses the mouse throughout the application. version 2 has compatibility with a touch screen for the checkout register, the rest application as an article entry, historical, stock entry, stock calculation is done with the mouse.
Checkout version 2
Article Entry
Allows you to make a daily, weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly account.
Stock Entry
Stock Calculation
Allows a statement of your consumption per item, per day, weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly.
Ticket Printing
Download an evaluation version checkout version 2
Follow the installation procedure : A Propos/About//Microsoft//C++ QT